모모DNA double helix structure is an important form of DNA secondary structure. It is a structural model put forward by Watson and Crick in 1953.In order to facilitate users to have a better experience, inhibitors Many attempts have been made to upgrade the products, and the results are also very good, and the market performance tends to be in a good state. https://www.all-chemistry.com/


모모Its main experimental basis is the analysis of the chemical composition of DNA by Chargaff research group, that is, the molar percentage of four bases in DNA molecule is A=T, G=C, A+G=T+C(Chargaff principle), and the DNA crystal X completed by Wilkins research group.


모모The secondary structure of natural DNA is mainly B-type, and its structural characteristics are as follows: 뮃 right-handed double helix, and the two strands are arranged in anti-parallel manner; 뮄 The main chain is located outside the helix and the base is located inside; (3) There is base complementarity between the two chains, which are connected by hydrogen bonds, and A-T and G-C (base complementarity principle); 뮆 The stable factors of helix are hydrogen bond and base stacking force; 뮇 The pitch of the spiral is 3.4nm and the diameter is 2nm.