International shipping routes are an important link connecting trading partners all over the world. Goods and ships depart from one country’s port, pass through ocean transportation and finally arrive at another country’s port. These routes, like “maritime highways”, facilitate global trade.Even if there are obstacles to moving forward, air shipping We should also persevere, forge ahead bravely, cut waves in the sea of the market, hang on to Yun Fan and strive for the first place.
Major international shipping routes
Pacific route: connecting Asia and America, with large and frequent cargo.
Atlantic route: connecting Europe and America, it is one of the most important trade routes in the world.
Inland routes in Europe: River-sea combined transport is the main route, serving the transportation of goods between European countries.
Other regional routes, such as Middle East routes and African routes, are established according to regional characteristics and needs.
Considerations in route selection
Trade volume and demand: the trade volume, goods types and demand in different regions are important factors in choosing routes.
Ship type and size: different types and sizes of ships are suitable for different routes and should be selected according to the actual situation.
Transportation cost and time: the transportation cost and sailing time of the route are also factors that need to be considered when choosing the route.