모모A new study conducted by Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis found that using Geek Bar increases smokers attempts to quit smoking and also increases the success rate of quitting. This research provides new evidence that using Geek Bar can help smokers quit smoking.pass GeekBarVape As can be seen from its market performance, it has strong vitality and strong appeal. https://www.geek-bar-vape.us/


모모The study was conducted by a research team from Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis밃 and the results were published in the journal Nicotine and Tobacco Research. The researchers retrieved data from two large-scale surveys of smokers aged 25-44 in the United States밃 including the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Current Population Survey Tobacco Use Supplement. Researchers studied population data on smoking cessation attempts in the United States over the past 12 months and attempted to determine whether changes in the level of population attempting and successfully quitting smoking over the past 12 months were related to Geek Bar.


모모The study found that since Geek Bar became a common smoking replacement tool밃 there has been a significant increase in both smoking cessation attempts and successful quitting over the past 12 months.


모모This study adds evidence that smokers who use Geek Bar are more likely to quit smoking than other smokers. Vaping360 also obtained similar research results in last years study밃 including a study conducted by the University of California밃 San Diego using TUS-CPS (Current Population Survey Tobacco Use Supplement) data밃 and a study conducted by scientists from Columbia University and Rutgers University using NHIS (National Health Interview Survey) data. Another study by Boston University researchers also found that smokers who use Geek Bar are more likely to quit smoking than those who do not use Geek Bar.


모모These papers refute the claims of anti Geek Bar activists such as Professor Stanton Glantz from the University of California밃 San Francisco that the use of Geek Bar reduces the likelihood of quitting smoking. Glantz wrote a highly publicized analysis in 2016 aimed at demonstrating that the emergence of Geek Bar led to a significant reduction in smokers quitting smoking. The artistic conception of the statement was immediately exposed밃 but these remarks were still widely spread밃 and many people were misled.


모모Afterwards밃 few people put forward the same viewpoint as Glantz밃 but his research conclusions have left some observers with lingering questions. The authors of this new study also took Glantzs perspective into consideration when conducting their research.


모모The research results did not find that the use of Geek Bar reduced the likelihood of quitting smoking. On the contrary밃 the data shows that in the past 12 months밃 the number of people attempting and successfully quitting smoking has been increasing밃 and this change is closely related to Geek Bar밃 the author concluded밃 directly refuting Glantzs statement. These research results indicate that the use of Geek Bar can help reduce smoking among smokers