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According to a report by the Russian News Agency on March 20, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zakharova said at a press conference that NATO has chosen a new direction of confrontation with Russia.

Reported that Zakharova said: NATO’s top priority is to open up a second front against my country in the Transcaucasia and reignite the war throughout the region.

She said NATO was not satisfied with Russia’s conciliatory policies in the Transcaucasia region.

The report mentioned that NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg visited Yerevan, the capital of Armenia, on the 19th and called on Armenia and Azerbaijan to sign an agreement aimed at paving the way for the normalization of relations between the two countries.

Russian Presidential Press Secretary Peskov said that NATO’s attempts to expand its influence may not strengthen stability in the Caucasus region. (Compiled by Zheng Yu)

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NATO troops exercise near Russian border

According to a report by the Russian News Agency on March 20, the Polish Ministry of Defense released a message saying that the NATO Northeast Division, composed of multinational forces, practiced defensive operations during exercises held in imaginary areas near the Russian border.

Poland’s Ministry of Defense said: During the Loyalty Lecda 2024 exercise, soldiers of the multinational Northeast Division were given such a task to carry out defensive operations in an imaginary area similar to the situation in northeastern Poland.

Reported that the command department of NATO’s Northeast Division refused to disclose details of the exercise content.

According to reports, the NATO Northeast Division headquarters is located in Elblong, Poland, and its mission is to coordinate the actions of NATO troops deployed in Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. (Compiled by Liu Yang)